Paladin Oath of the Lunar Guardian

Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild

The Oath of the Lunar Guardian calls those who believe that other Paladin Orders do not do enough to protect the souls of those who are trapped within a life of Evil or an unjust society.
They believe that, much like the light of the sun cannot help but cast shadows, every action taken to strike at evil leaves shattered fragments behind to fester which must be rooted out.
The Moon is the piece of the Sun’s light which reaches into the darkness and is their symbol of the shard of Goodness they carry with them.

Price: $1.00

Tabela spotkań losowych poziomy 1-4

Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild

Przedstawiam kolejny element stworzony w ramach serii Warsztat Mistrza Podziemi. Tym razem przygotowałem tabelę zawierającą 12 spotkań losowych będących więcej niż tylko bezmyślną walką. 

Każde ze spotkań to, krótka historia zawierająca tabele pozwalające zrandomizować jej detale tak iż zadne spotkanie nie będzie dwa razy takie samo.

Do pliku pdf dołączone jest aż 13 map bitwnych w wysokiej rozdzielczości!

Price: $1.20

Pistols at Dawn

Publisher: Nicholas Johnson

“What the fuck did you just say to me you little shit? I challenge you to Pistols at Dawn, motherfucker!”

Pistols at Dawn is a short TTRPG where challenge the fool that insulted you to a duel to the death.

Price: $4.99

Gaia Awakening: Below The Surface

Publisher: Frontier Gaming

Gaia Awakening: Below The Surface is a Solo Story Adventure. The premise for the story, along with the endgame of the antagonists, are included along with a brief description of the setting and circumstances. The descriptions are provided for the purpose of immersion only.

When multi-billionaire Magic-User Jon Yates attempts to provide the world with a vaccine to a virulent strain of influenza, his methods backfire. When the dead began to rise again, Yates seeks the help of the most famous (and notorious) survivalists and hunters to contain the situation.

The Story is your own to tell, and your Character is yours to play.


At a research outpost in Portland, Oregon, the Advancement for Prolonged Life (APL) scientists have overstepped their mark. Their experimentation with a vaccine against a virulent flu strain has had the opposite effect on the local populace. Not only does the drug kill within hours, it contains a particle contaminated by an unaffiliated Underworld Magic User – Jon Yates. This corruption revitalises the host after death, enabling them to walk the earth in a homicidal rage. Jon, keen to leverage his position as a leader in the field of Tech, used his Abilities to enhance the development of the so-called wonder drug.

 He is now keen to avoid any reputational damage, and has established a “hot zone” within Portland. The City is walled and fenced, with Yates’ own private APL Paramilitary providing a secured perimeter. The media have reported this as a necessary step in order to suppress the contagion. When you receive a call from a representative of the APL calling you to attend Yates’ mansion (and the headquarters of the APL), you put the pieces together pretty quickly.

Price: $1.99

40×30 Battlemap – Underwater Coral Village Low Tide

Publisher: Seafoot Games

Underwater Coral Village Low Tide

Sunlight glistens past rippling waves, landing like dappled rainbows on this partially-underwater village. The tide is low, lapping against the reef the town is built on. Small circular dwellings stand at different levels on the shelves, their rounded domes decorated in highlights of brass. Walkways are paved with tiles and spiralling walls, while seaweed clumps along the edges.
Different sea life grows off the surrounding shelves, inhabited by various types of fish and a shark. Further down is only the blue of even more ocean, descending to unknown depths.

What You Will Receive

A home-printable 40×30 battlemap, compatible with any role-play game, and VTTs such as Roll20.

Download Contains

Home-printable, A4 .PDF of the gridded map at 300dpi, spread over several pages.
300dpi .JPEGs of the map for A0 poster printing or VTT.
72dpi .JPEGs of the map for VTTs.

Join me on Patreon for $1 and get over 20 battlemaps a month. Experience how good level design can make encounters MUCH more engaging! 

Want one free map a week instead? Become part of my community on Facebook.

Price: $2.98